It’s been 2.5 months since we moved flats, and while there are plenty of drawn-out mini-projects still to be conquered, others are finally being checked off the list.
We love our new place, from the basics – insulated windows and no mold, for starters! – to a few luxuries that came with the territory – some beautifully kept period details and a tiny sliver of a skyline view out of one window, if you crane your neck juuust right. We are feeling more “at home” than we have since the day we sold our black leather couches on the way out of Boston, and, if we can ever make ourselves think about living somewhere longer than two years, this may be, maybe, the house to do it. (That is still a mind-blowing concept for us though, so we’re not holding our breaths quite yet!)
Truly one of the most exciting pieces of this new home, however, is the guest room. A room for guests. A private room for guests. A private room for guests with a BED! (Ok, it’s a daybed/queen bed, but think of the journey you all have put up with so far!)
For those who’ve visited in the past? That means no more air mattresses in shared spaces. No more de-constructing the living room couch every morning just to pull it out again 12 hours later. No more suitcases lodged under desks and dining room tables. No more listening to Troy slurp his breakfast cereal as you are startled awake on your precious day off. (Maybe this will still happen, but now there’s a happy toddler giggle to accompany that slurp! We’re working on it.) Many silly memories were created due to the circumstances we welcomed you in to, but we are glad to finally offer our guests something a bit more grown up. A bit more comfortable.
It’s a humble little spot still in the heart of our daily lives (and a teensy bit bland – if anyone has mastered the art of decorating without painting/hanging things on the wall…the life of renting, sigh…but also keeping everything above toddler-reach-level, do pass on your tricks, please!!!I’ve been trial-ing and mostly error-ing.), but it’s grand. We’re so excited to have it, and while it finally welcomed its first visitors this month, we look forward to filling it with so many more of our loved ones soon!
Feature Image created by Becca Clason at
Our “Trip Advisor” rating is 5 stars!
Glad the room is comfortable enough to make up for all the time you spend cooking and ironing while you’re here then! ;)
We are looking forward to seeing your guest room!
That little darling toddling in to find you in the morning is the best perk ever. Enjoy!!
You all are amazing! Can’t wait to experience your fancy London guestroom in all it’s toddler-giggling, Troy-slurping-cereal glory! Miss you guys BAD.
Our times together really just aren’t long enough anymore. Miss you!! Can’t wait to do London (or Europe??) with you ;)